Tuesday, February 8, 2022

level 1 cooking

 Level 1 cooking (sushi)


  1. Why do we need to be careful with rice?

You wash your rice to remove the starch which has bacteria which will causes you to have  food poisoning Vomiting or diarrhea from bacillus cereus  

  1. How does sushi vinegar reduce bacteria in rice?

Vinegar lower the PH to 4.1 killing any bacteria that might be in the rice

  1. What is the name of the bacteria in the rice

Bacillus cereus that can causes food poisoning

  1. Describe the  symptoms of someone with this type of food poisoning

Vomiting or diarrhea from bacillus cereus

How to make sushi


  • 1 large Carrot 

  • Soy sauce 

  • 1 cup rice

  • 3 Seaweed

  • ½  cup of water 

  • Salt 

  • Sugar 

  • ¼ cup of Vinegar 

  1. Boil 1 cup of rice to ½ cups of water ( after boiled leave to simmer for 15 mins)

  2. Cut up your vegetables into stick and meat into bits 

  3. Add ¼ cup white vinegar, 1 sachet sugar and a sprinkle of salt to the rice when cooked (taste to check if its is not too salty or sweet

  4. Lay down your sushi mat and put seaweed paper on the top

  5. Lay out some rice, chicken and vegetables (cucumber, carrots )

  6. Roll till the seaweed paper is covering the top and sides 

  7. Then with a pastry brush wet the other end with water a roll the rest of the way

  8. Cut in half then continue to cut into even pieces 

  9. place on your serving tray